Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 for 233 Vacancies, Application, Eligibility, Salary, Apply 

The Uttarakhand State Co-operative Bank Limited is conducting a common recruitment drive for 233 vacancies. The vacancies are distributed across different categories, with openings for Group-3 (Clerk cum Cashier), Group-2 (Junior Branch Manager), Group-1 (Senior Branch Manager, Assistant Manager, and Manager) roles. The application process period is between April 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024. Interested candidates are required to register for the Common Recruitment Process for Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 through online examination via the official website of the Cooperative Department www.cooeperative.uk.gov.in.


The Uttarakhand State Co-operative Bank Limited Common Recruitment Process, 2024 also known as Uttrakhand DCB’s & USCB’s – CRP-2024 has mentioned in detail the Eligibility criteria, Selection process, Application process, List of documents required to submit along with Application form, Exam pattern, grade-wise Salary slab and other necessary do’s and don’ts candidates have to follow if they wish to apply for the Uttarakhand State Co-operative Bank Limited Common Recruitment process, 2024. The Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Notification 2024 link is provided below for the convenience of our readers:


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Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024

The overview of the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Limited Common Recruitment Process, 2024, detailing essential information such as vacancies, application process, eligibility criteria, selection process, and important dates is given below in the table:

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 Overview Table

1Recruiting Organization:Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank
2Total Vacancies:233
3Vacant Posts:Clerk/Cashier: 162
Junior Branch Manager: 54
Senior Branch Manager: 9
Assistant Manager: 6
Manager: 2
4Vacancy DistributionAcross various districts of Uttarakhand
5Application Start Date:April, 1, 2024
6Application Deadline:April 30, 2024
7Application Procedure:to apply online through the official website
8Eligibility Criteria:Educational Qualification: Bachelor's or Master's degree in relevant disciplines with Computer diploma or equivalent.
Age Limit: 21-42 years.
9Selection Process:written exam, document verification, and medical examination to ensure fitness for the role.
10How to ApplyOnline registration
11Pay Scale (INR)Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 70,000 per month + perks
12Exam Details:Tentatively May/June, 2024
13Application Fee:to be released
14Official Website:http://www.cooperative.uk.gov.in/

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 Eligibility

The eligibility criteria for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment Process, 2024 include the following:

A. General guideline:

  • The candidate must have a domicile certificate, state of Uttarakhand issued by the competent authority.
  • The candidate must have a valid registration in any of the employment exchange in the state of Uttarakhand on the date of publication of the advertisement.
  • The candidates presently serving in any Government undertaking are required to produce a “No Objection Certificate”.

B. Nationality/Citizenship:

A candidate must be either a Citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a Tibetan Refugee (in India before 1st January 1962) or a person of Indian origin migrated from shortlisted countries.

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C. Age Limit:

The minimum: 21 years and maximum: 42 years i.e. candidates not born earlier than 01.07.1982 and not later than 01.07.2003. (both dates inclusive).

Age relaxation

1SC/ST/OBS5 years
2Persons with Disabilities under The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 201610 years
3Ex-Servicemen & related categories5 years
4Dependent of Freedom Fighter5 years


Below mentioned the summary of the important dates for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Important Dates 2024

Commencement of on-line registration of application1/4/2024
Closure of registration of application30/04/2024
Closure for editing application details30/04/2024
Online Fee Payment01/04/2024 to 30/04/2024
Exam dateTo be announced

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Vacancy 2024

A total of 233 vacancies have been floated which are summarized category-wise in the below given table for Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Vacancy 2024.

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Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Vacancy 2024

Junior Branch Manager54
Senior Branch Manager9
Assistant Manager6

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment Selection Process 2024

The selection process for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment Process, 2024  involves below stages to assess the suitability of candidates for various positions. 

1. Submission of Application: 

Firstly, candidates are required to submit duly filled Application form along with scan copies of required documents online via officially website.

2. Online Exam:

Candidates will be intimated the date and venue of the written exam. The written exam will cover questions from a range of subjects testing candidates quantitative, reasoning, general awareness, computer knowledge and Hindi & English language proficiency.  Separate question paper for each grades will be designed to access the candidates’ suitability for the position and role they have applied for. 

The Exam centers for the Written Test for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 as mentioned in the notifications are given below:

  • Uttarakhand State : Dehradun, Haldwani and Roorkee
  • Outside Uttarakhand : New Delhi, Lucknow & Meerut

3. Document Verification:

Candidates who successfully pass the written exam will be invited for document verification. During this stage, candidates’ documents, such as educational certificates, reservation category proof, and other relevant documents, will be verified to ensure their authenticity and eligibility for the applied positions.

4. Medical Examination:

A medical examination may be conducted to ensure that the candidate is physically fit for the role as they have disclosed in the Application form and do not suffer from any ailment.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024: Application Process

The Application process of Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024 can be understood in three stages:

A. Application Registration

The candidates are required to register themselves online at the official link of the Uttarakhand Cooperative Institutional Services Board i.e. https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/ucisbmar24/.

For which they should be ready with a proper personal email ID, their mobile number, and scanned copies of the relevant documents to upload as and when asked to.

B. Payment of Fees

As of now, the applicable fee to be paid online is not mentioned in the released notification. However, the candidates are advised to initiate the process as soon as possible (ASAP) and not wait for the last date of Application submission as during the application process the system might automatically inform the amount to be paid online. As with all the Govt. Recruitment processes, a nominal fee is only charged. The payment of fees has to be made online by any digital modes like Net banking, Debit/Credit card, UPI etc. The candidates are advised to regularly check the official website of the Uttarakhand https://cooperative.uk.gov.in/news for fees details.

C. Document Scan & Upload

For the detailed list of documents and the guidelines of scanning and uploading in the prescribed way, candidates are advised to read the notification in detail particularly from page no. 14 to 19. See link of the notification for the details: https://cooperative.uk.gov.in/recruitment

Once candidates are ready with all the documents and details as mentioned above they can start the process of Application via the Uttarakhand Cooperative Institutional Services Board official link https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/ucisbmar24/ by logging in with their given user name and password.

Once the registration and application submission is completed, candidates are advised to take a printout of their system generated online application form.

D. Downloading of Call Letter

The candidates who have successfully completed the application process will receive intimation on their registered email ID and mobile number to download the Call Letter from the Uttarakhand Cooperative official website- www.cooperative.uk.gov.in. This Call Letter is an important document and the entry to the call centre will only be permitted on showing it at the centre. The photo and name on it should be exactly the same as uploaded at the time of registration.

Important Links

Direct Apply Link Click Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
Notification PDFDirect Download Link
Check Other Government Jobs Government Job – MNC Job Wala
Our WebsiteMNC Job Wala


Below is the list of documents candidates are required to produce:

  • Candidates must be ready to produce the documents in original and photocopy in support of their eligibility such as Identity, Address proof, Education qualifications, Reservation category (if availed), Nationality, Age etc. as entered in the Application form at all the stages of the recruitment. They are also advised to keep handy the scanned copy of all the above-mentioned documents in PDF format.

(i) A Degree of Post Graduation, Graduation with prerequisite subjects from a University recognized by the Govt. of India or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Govt. Also, respective qualification’s Mark sheets or transcripts showing academic performance.

(ii) Six months of computer certificate from the institute registered by the state or the central Govt. (if applicable)

(iii) Matriculation, Intermediate and Higher education degree/certificates

  • SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped/Ex-Servicemen certificate from the competent authority as per the applicable Govt. policy

(i) Recent photograph (4.5cmx3.5cm, the same photograph at all the stages of the recruitment process)

(ii) Signature scan copy

(iii) Left thumb impression scan copy

(iv) Handwritten declaration image in English language

These documents should be in JPG format and should be between 20 to 50 MB size. For the detailed version of these items’ scan requirement, please visit the official link: https://cooperative.uk.gov.in/files/Details_for_Recruitments_of_cooperative_banks_in_Uttarakhand.pdf

  • The candidate must have domicile certificate state of Uttarakhand issued by the competent authority
  • The candidate must have a valid registration in any of the employment exchanges in the state of Uttarakhand on the date of publication of the advertisement
  • The candidates presently serving in any Government undertaking are required to produce a “No Objection Certificate
  • Identity Proof: Aadhar card, Passport, Voter ID, PAN card, Driving license
  • Address Proof: Aadhar card, Voter ID, Passport, Utility bills (electricity, water, gas, etc.)
  • Experience Certificate (if applicable): Document(s) verifying previous work experience relevant to the applied position.
  • Other Relevant Certificates: Certificates for any additional qualifications or achievements relevant to the applied position.
  • Payment Receipt: Receipt of payment of the application fee, if applicable

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment Exam Pattern 2024

The candidates irrespective of any position applied has to appear for an Online Test. The questions asked in the online test may be different for each job position. The subjects from which the questions will be asked are: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation, General and Financial awareness, English language, Hindi language and Computer knowledge.

The question paper will have in total 200 number of questions comprising of a set number of questions from each subjects as above mentioned. The total marks will be 200 and the total time duration given to complete the test will be 120 minutes. Candidates have to qualify in each of the tests/subjects by securing minimum cut-off marks. For other detailed information candidates are advised to check the Official Notification PDF:

This is to reiterate for the benefit of our readers/candidates that candidates will not be permitted to appear for the online examination without below mentioned documents:

  1. Valid Call Letter for the respective date and session of Examination
  2. Photo Identity proof (as specified) in original bearing the same name as it appears on the Call Letter/Application Form and
  3. Photocopy of Photo-identity proof [as mentioned in (2) above] Candidates arriving after the reporting time specified on the Call Letter for Examination will not be permitted to appear the examination.

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment Salary 2024

The salary slab for different post category is as mentioned below:

Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Post Wise Salary

Clerk/CashierINR 20,000 - INR 30,000 per month
Junior Branch ManagerINR 30,000 - INR 40,000 per month
Senior Branch ManagerINR 40,000 - INR 50,000 per month
Assistant ManagerINR 50,000 - INR 60,000 per month
ManagerINR 60,000 - INR 70,000 per month

For other perks and benefits details, the candidates should refer the official notification for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment, 2024 

Call Letter

The candidates who have successfully completed the application process will receive intimation on their registered email id and mobile number to download the Call Letter from the Uttarakhand Cooperative official website- www.cooperative.uk.gov.in. This Call Letter is an important document and the entry to the exam center will only allowed once it is shown at the center with correct name as mentioned in the ID proof and as submitted in the online application. The photo should also be exactly the same as uploaded at the time of registration. 


There isn’t specific mention of the timelines or expected date for the release of results for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment, 2024. Typically, the result dates are announced after the completion of the selection process i.e. online test, interview, and document verification stages. The result dates will be announced by the recruiting authority. The candidates are advised to regularly check the official website http://www.cooperative.uk.gov.in/ for updates regarding the result announcements. The candidate may also receive result notifications via email or SMS on their mobile no. which they have filled in the Application forms.


Cutoff marks can vary from year to year depending on factors such as the number of vacancies released, the stringent norms of the examination, that passing year’s students respective education average marks/grades, and the reservation policy. We advise candidates to focus on their preparation and aim to perform well in the Online exam and in all the recruitment process. Apart from it candidates should stay updated with Banking working knowledge. Additionally, candidates should regularly check the official website http://www.cooperative.uk.gov.in/, for any updates or notifications related to the recruitment process.


The questions in the Online Test will be asked from the following subjects: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation, General and Financial awareness, English language, Hindi language, and Computer knowledge.

Reasoning Ability:

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning: Series completion, mirror images, etc.
  • Analytical Reasoning: Series arrangement, puzzles, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude:

  • Numerical Ability: Number series, simplification, approximation, etc.
  • Data Interpretation: Tables, charts, graphs, etc.
  • Arithmetic: Percentage, ratio and proportion, average, profit and loss, time and work, time, speed, and distance, etc.

General/Financial Awareness:

  • Current Affairs: National and international events, important dates, appointments, etc.
  • Banking Awareness: Basic banking terminologies, banking history, RBI functions, banking regulations, etc.
  • General Knowledge: Important facts, Indian economy, Indian politics, geography, history, etc.

English and Hindi Language:

  • Reading Comprehension: Passage-based questions to test comprehension skills.

What is the application process for the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2024?

Candidates need to apply online through the official website, fulfilling eligibility criteria and submitting necessary documents.

How can candidates check their results?

Results are announced on the official website after the completion of the examination process, and candidates can check them by logging in with their credentials.

Where can candidates find detailed information about the recruitment?

Detailed information, including eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, and important dates, is available in the official notification released by the Uttarakhand Cooperative Bank.  Direct Download Link

What is the pay scale for different positions?

Pay scales vary depending on the position and are usually provided in the official notification. They typically range from INR 20,000 to INR 70,000 per month.

How many vacant positions and how are vacancies distributed among different categories?

There are a total of 233 vacant positions. Vacancies are distributed based on government regulations and reservation policies, including categories like General, SC, ST, OBC, and EWS.

What is the selection process for the recruitment?

The selection process typically includes an online exam followed by document verification and possibly a medical examination.

Sandeep Nair is a professional with more than 30 years of experience in a variety of sectors managing various kinds of assignments. His advice to today's generation and our readers is being aware of opportunities around is the first step to success. Wish you all the best for a great future.

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